Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to 10 Easy Food Tips

Sometimes healthy eating can seem overwhelming.  Should you follow the clean eating plan, do the 7 day cleanse, start a paleo diet, count calories, do a carb cycling plan.......?????

There are a lot of options out there and if you have found what works for you, great! But if you are like me and feel overwhelmed at times with all the choices and trying to figure out which is best, then these 10 easy tips are a great place to start. 

These are the 10 things that have truly helped me eat better and are simple ones to follow on any food plan.  If you are just starting out, try incorporating 2 new things from the list each week until you are consistently following all 10. 

10 Easy Food Tips for Losing Weight the Healthy Way

  1. Drink water BEFORE every meal
  2. Put 1/2 restaurant meal in a to-go container before you begin eating
  3. Do not eat in front of tv, computer, or smart phone
  4. Eat breakfast within an hour of waking
  5. Plan ahead! Prep 2-3 days of meals ahead of time
  6. No carbs (starch) after 7pm or 3 hours before bedtime
  7. Limit fruit to twice daily 
  8. Try to eat 5-6 small meals everyday 
  9. Eat a serving of veggies at every meal 
  10. CONSISTENCY is key!!! If you have a day where you slip up...Don't Give Up!! Start fresh at your next meal. 

I hope these tips help you out and give you a few ideas of how to eat healthier.  If you have a simple tip, please share in the comments! I love learning new things and it's a great feeling to help someone else.  

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey....to different ways to workout

Yes, I prefer home workout programs, but I get bored VERY easily.  So I may or may not own 7 pieces of workout equipment and accessories along with over 8 home workout programs.  And I my or may not change my workout routine almost every single day :)

I feel that this gives my body a different type of workout/stretch it needs and it keeps me motivated which is over half the battle!

So follow a workout program because they are developed by professionals who know exactly what your body needs to get stronger and healthier.  But break it up with some fun too! Try one of the exercises listed in the chart and get your family involved.  Show your kids that working out can be enjoyable! Have FUN!!!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to being a role model

One of the main reasons I changed my lifestyle to a healthier one was for my daughter.  When I became pregnant, I was suddenly aware that what I put into my body affected someone else.  I cut out most sugar, ate more veggies, and made sure to take my vitamins.  I actually weighed less after I gave birth than before I got pregnant. 

After my daughter was born, I reverted back to my old eating habits.  I was busy taking care of an infant during the day and barely had time or the energy to eat.  But then when she went to bed in the evening, I was starving and wanted to literally eat everything in sight.  I quickly gained back the weight I had lost and then some. 

My wake up moment was when my daughter became a toddler and was constantly on the go.   I didn't have the energy to keep up with her or play all day.  I then realized that even though what I ate wasn't directly affecting her like when I was pregnant, it was still affecting her indirectly!

I had to make a change and be a role model!! I wanted her growing up knowing that women could be strong and fit, love their bodies, and be confident.  I wanted her to know how to take care of herself and eat the right things. 

I encourage all of you to take a look at how your eating habits and lifestyle are affecting those around you.  Do you need to make a change to be a better role model? 

This is a picture of my husband and daughter working out with me :)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to a FREE challenge group

A totally FREE 7-day challenge group!!!

I have decided to start a 7 day private Facebook group for those who are ready to get started on their healthy journey.  This group will start on Monday, August 25th and I have a spot open for you!

In the group, we will learn what to eat, when to eat, and how much we should eat.  There will be a FREE workout video posted each day too.  I will provide recipes and snack ideas. 

I only ask that the members fully commit to the group and their new healthy life.  I am devoting my time to you and I want you to devote time to yourself! There will be assignments posted daily and if you miss two assignments, you will be removed from the group.  This may seem harsh, but I need to make time and space for those who are truly serious. 

So you are ready!!! What do you do now?

If interested in joining, fill out the application at: http://www.samanthaloy.com/free-7-day-group.html

I will then contact you within 24 hours to let you know if you are accepted into the group :) 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to baked oats and berries

Along my health journey, I've learned that prepping food and having something quick to eat is key to staying on track. 

I love preparing quick breakfasts because mornings are always the craziest time in my house.  I'm going to share a recipe I've tried before and LOVE!

Not only is it easy to make on the weekends, it tastes great reheated during the week.  My 4-year-old daughter loves to help make it and I try to involve her in the kitchen whenever possible.  After all, showing our families how to eat healthy is almost as important as eating healthy ourselves :)

Baked Oats and Berries
Makes 1 pint jar

1/2 banana
1/2 cup berries
1/4 cup uncooked oats
2 teaspoon peanut butter
honey to taste

Preheat oven 375 degrees.  In bowl, mash banana with honey and peanut butter.  Add oats and stir together.  Drop berries in bottom of jar and spoon banana mixture on top.  Place uncovered jar in center of rimmed baking sheet.  Bake for 20-30 minutes. 

If you are on the 21 Day Fix program, 1 pint jar of Baked Oats and Berries counts as:
1.5 purple
1 yellow
2 teaspoons

Hope you enjoy this yummy and quick breakfast! And remember to prep on a free day :)

Monday, June 2, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey.....19 Days Until Summer

I love to experiment and try new foods! But I'm not always sure how to buy, use, or cook with the strange looking items in my grocery store.  So I buy it and then do a search online! A few weeks ago, I made a recipe that called for jicama and I wasn't quite sure which brown thing in the produce aisle at the supermarket was jicama and which was cassava. The important thing is, I am trying them, and so far, I haven't met a new fruit or vegetable that I don't like.

 Eating a variety of different healthy foods ensures that your body gets a broad spectrum of nutrition. Trying something you've never tasted before can give your body a new source of important nutrients.

Introducing new foods to your menu can help you stick to a healthy diet by shaking things up a little bit! Give yourself new flavors and new recipes to explore. Are you eating the same salad every day? Why not toss in a green you've never tasted? Like dandelion greens, or raw, shaved Brussels sprouts, or kale? Tired of yams? Roast a purple potato or a beet instead! There may be a delicious exotic fruit in your future. That furry red thing at the market that looks like an alien life form could be so delicious that it becomes your new favorite food. You'll never know unless you try.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey....31 Days to Summer

31 Days to Summer Tip:
Use Just One Tablespoon Of Dressing!!

You jump squat until your legs are shaky. You deprive yourself of things like pizza and chocolate. You order the salad for lunch (with protein), and it comes smothered in ranch dressing. Or Thousand Island, or blue cheese. Ranch dressing weighs in at a whopping 145 calories and 11 grams of fat per serving (2 Tbsp., in theory, but who knows how much is on that salad). If you're "good" like that every day, those extra calories will add up fast. If your salad is swimming in dressing, you might as well have eaten the pizza.

Keep your salad dressing in check, by asking for it on the side, and using only about a tablespoon. Or, better yet, ask for lemon wedges and squeeze them as liberally as you like. Learn to make your own fresh salad dressing to make your salads at home the star of your meal.