Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to 10 Easy Food Tips

Sometimes healthy eating can seem overwhelming.  Should you follow the clean eating plan, do the 7 day cleanse, start a paleo diet, count calories, do a carb cycling plan.......?????

There are a lot of options out there and if you have found what works for you, great! But if you are like me and feel overwhelmed at times with all the choices and trying to figure out which is best, then these 10 easy tips are a great place to start. 

These are the 10 things that have truly helped me eat better and are simple ones to follow on any food plan.  If you are just starting out, try incorporating 2 new things from the list each week until you are consistently following all 10. 

10 Easy Food Tips for Losing Weight the Healthy Way

  1. Drink water BEFORE every meal
  2. Put 1/2 restaurant meal in a to-go container before you begin eating
  3. Do not eat in front of tv, computer, or smart phone
  4. Eat breakfast within an hour of waking
  5. Plan ahead! Prep 2-3 days of meals ahead of time
  6. No carbs (starch) after 7pm or 3 hours before bedtime
  7. Limit fruit to twice daily 
  8. Try to eat 5-6 small meals everyday 
  9. Eat a serving of veggies at every meal 
  10. CONSISTENCY is key!!! If you have a day where you slip up...Don't Give Up!! Start fresh at your next meal. 

I hope these tips help you out and give you a few ideas of how to eat healthier.  If you have a simple tip, please share in the comments! I love learning new things and it's a great feeling to help someone else.