Thursday, January 30, 2014

Curvy Girl's a proud daughter

I know, I know....I promised meal prepping but I just had to share this photo too!! :)
My mom and I both started our journey to get healthy at the same time, which was about 10 months ago.  I am so proud of the progress she has made that I just had to share!!

Isn't this amazing?!? I am so proud and happy for her!!  Ten months ago she considered getting gastric bypass surgery, I immediately intervened and talked her out of it.  I did not want her going through risky, life threatening surgery when I knew she was strong enough to do it herself! And she feels more accomplished now than ever. 
So, the question you are all asking...How did she do it? She did it by working hard and committing to changing her lifestyle.  She counted calories (using myfitnesspal), controlled her portion sizes, and completed the workout program Slim in 6.  She is now working out everyday by going to the gym and at home with Insanity. 
This is my mom and I couldn't be prouder of the work she has done! I am encouraged by her everyday and I hope one of you can be motivated by her too!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Curvy Girl's insanity

I know I promised my next blog would be about meal planning but I got distracted by the arrival of my Insanity t-shirt in the mail.  Meal planning will be soon though!
I received the Insanity t-shirt for completing the workout program.  To be honest, I have a love/hate relationship with Insanity.  I loved my results and the feeling of accomplishment when I completed it, but it was definitely a hard workout to do.  I did lose 46lbs working out and counting calories with myfitnesspal (an app I mentioned in a previous blog). 
My favorite part of the is a size medium and this time last year I would have needed an extra large! I have lost 4 jean sizes and am excited to continue my healthy journey and get even leaner!

If you are interested in challenging yourself and seeing amazing results, check out the Insanity workout program.
Click here to learn more about Insanity

Friday, January 24, 2014

Curvy Girl's meal planning

In my effort to improve my eating habits and keep my calories under control, I'm planning my meals for the week ahead of time.  This may sound time consuming for some, but it really helps me spend less time in the kitchen during the week.  I also spend less money at the grocery store because I know exactly what I need and am not spending money on things I don't need (or shouldn't have!). 

To begin, I take a quick inventory of what food I have in my freezer and pantry.  I don't write every single thing down, but check to see if I have basics like chicken, black beans, eggs, etc.  After I have this list, I begin to plan my meals.  I use something similar to this chart to fill in every meal:
 The only difference in my chart is that I try to eat a snack after breakfast and after lunch.  I do not eat anything after dinner.  Next, I try to use as many items I have on hand to fill in the chart.  For example, if I have chicken in my freezer, I will plan on having chicken quesdillas on Monday for dinner.  I will make a list of what I need from the grocery store to complete this meal. 

To fill in the chart, I use recipes where I know the calorie count for.  This way I can assure myself that I eat the recommend amount of calories for me to lose weight.  I use several resources for these recipes such as the meal plans that come with the Insanity and Chalean Extreme workout programs, clean eating cookbooks, pins from pinterest, and 

This entire process takes about 30-45 minutes, but at the end I have a full menu for the week and a grocery list for only the items I really need to prepare the meals.  I highly recommend meal planning for anyone who is struggling to stay on track with healthy eating like I am.  My next post will be about food prepping which I've learned is also an important step of meal planning.....until next time!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Curvy Girl's food accountability

I just found this awesome new app and just had to share! It's free too, so even better!
The app is called TwoGrand.  It is similar to Instagram except all the pictures are of food.  The concept is to post pictures of every single thing you eat.  They suggest people to follow based on your goal weight.  For example, my goal weight right now is 140, so I am following people who have already reached 140.  This allows me to see what type of food allowed them to get there.
You can also post your workouts or forms of exercises you completed.  The best thing about the app is that it holds me accountable.  Like this afternoon, I was going to put cheese on top of my soup, but I rethought the choice when I knew I would have to take a picture of it and show others.
I think it will help me and I hope it will help you too!!!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Curvy Girl's a quick and yummy lunch

I am really focusing on my nutrition this week.  I have finally got into the habit of working out so I knew my nutrition needed work when I wasn't seeing any changes.  I went back to worked so well in the beginning....counting calories with the app 'myfitnesspal' (a free app too!).  I know, counting calories isn't very fun and requires a small amount of obsession, but it really makes a difference.  I am more aware of what to or not to put into my mouth when I have to write it down.
The great thing about the app is that it keeps track of everything for you.  I just type in the food i ate and the app tells me how many calories I have left for the day.  I highly recommend it!!

So this week when I needed a quick and low calorie lunch. I threw this together.  It may not look very appetizing but it really was and it filled me up.  Which is sometimes difficult with a meal under 300 calories. 
Low Cal Chicken Bowl
Serving size: 1
Calories: 243
Ingredients: 1 cup chopped zucchini
1 cup sliced mushrooms
3 oz. precooked grilled Italian seasoned chicken

Directions: Add all ingredients to a preheated skillet with 1 tbsp of olive oil (i use a mister so less oil is used).  Stir occasionally and cook until the zucchini is thoroughly cooked. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Curvy Girl's support and motivation

I have tried several workout programs in my journey to lose weight and get healthy.  My favorite program so far? Chalean Extreme.  This is a strength training program that helps you build muscle.  If you are like me, I thought "I don't want to bulk up or build muscle."  As a female, I wanted to lose weight and slim down.  Now, I know that muscle burns fat! Strength training increases your metabolism and helps you burn more fat while resting. 

I am starting a challenge group for Chalean Extreme on February 3rd.  A challenge group is a private Facebook group where others who are working out with Chalean Extreme support and motivate each other.  It really helps to have others who know exactly what you are going through when working out. 

This group will last 3 months and you will have support every single day.  I love working out at home because I don't have to travel to a gym, figure out childcare for my daughter, or be intimidated by those around me.  But the downside of working out at home is the lack of support or people holding you accountable.  A challenge group changes that. 

In addition to the challenge group, you also get support from a personal coach (me!!) when you purchase Chalean Extreme.  I am here to help you on your journey to reach your goals.  I want to see you succeed not only for a day, or a week, but forever! I am still working on my body and health and know that you need support to succeed. 

If you are interested in the challenge group or learning more about Chalean Extreme, send me a friend request on Facebook:
Send me a friend request on Facebook

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Curvy Girl's cauliflower bites

In my journey to eating healthy, I have been eating broccoli, asparagus, or brussell sprouts for almost every meal.  Except for breakfast of course! In my adventure to try a new vegetable, I picked up cauliflower.  I have eaten it raw this week and have enjoyed it but wanted to try something new. 
I decided to bake it and make it crispy with bread crumbs. 

Baked Cauliflower Bites
Serving size: 2   Calories per serving: 125 (without sauce)
Half head of small cauliflower
1/4 cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs
1 Egg white
Pasta sauce (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350.  Spray olive oil on cookie sheet.
2. Cut the cauliflower into small bite sized pieces. 
3.  Dip each piece into the egg white and then bread crumbs.
4.  Place on cookie sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes (depending on size of bites)

Here are my bites before I put them in the oven.  Next time I will make the pieces of cauliflower more uniform.  The small pieces were better tasting than the undercooked larger pieces. 

The finished product! Overall these weren't bad, but they were extremely bland with out the sauce.  Next time, I may try to add Parmesan cheese, chili powder, or some other spice to the bread crumbs.  However, the cauliflower bites were easy to make and still a tasty low calorie treat.  I will make these again with some minor changes. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Curvy Girl's a bad day

So I had a bad fitness day yesterday :(

It was my scheduled rest day from workouts.  My workout plan allows me a rest day every 6 days.  However, I normally try to stay active by taking a walk or riding my bike.

Yesterday was different.  I started out by oversleeping.  Then I was lazy and watched tv instead of being active.  If that wasn't bad enough I ate waaay too much.  I started by snacking on things and then I just went overboard.  It seemed like I could not get full or satisfied. 

But.....Today is a new day! I know that I can keep going and still reach my goals.  I am not going to let one bad day prevent me from losing weight! It is important to know that we are human, we aren't perfect, but we do have another chance tomorrow.  I try my hardest to stay on track but stray occasionally.  As long as I pick myself up and don't make a habit out of the bad days, I will succeed.  And so will you!!!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Curvy Girl's amazement

Amazing, right?!?  I can't believe how much I have changed until I look at pictures side-by-side.  The pictures are about 8 months apart.  So how did I do it?
No fad diets or pills here.  I do it with hard work and a lifestyle change.  I worked out at home with the Insanity program and walking on a treadmill.  I started eating healthy and controlled my portion sizes.
If I can do, anyone can do it! You just have to take that first step and decide to make a change.  Decide to succeed! You have to be ready for a change, not just for a day, or a week, but for good!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....through water and more water

Do you know how much water you should be drinking everyday? 

I was surprised to realize I wasn't drinking enough.  And I'm the type of person who always drinks water, rarely anything else.  Here is the link to calculate how much you should be drinking:

Calculate your daily water intake

Friday, January 3, 2014

Curvy Girl's workouts

I love this quote!  I am not always motivated to get up and workout, but I always try my best.   Even if I don't feel like I did all the moves to the video or ran the fastest, at least I did it!!!
When you are working toward your goals, don't think about the negatives.  You have to think positive.  No, you may not be able to run a mile in 6 minutes or complete 10 pushups, but you have to try.  Make your goal to improve every single day.  Every day do one more push up than yesterday.  Eventually you will be able to do 10 complete pushups!!! Decide to succeed!! and guess what?? You will!!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Curvy Girl's saving money

Besides getting healthier in 2014, I want to reduce my family's spending and increase the amount in our savings account. 
So how do i do this???
I am new in the saving money field, but am very familiar with the spending money part of it!  :)

So I have a very hard journey ahead of me.  My first step today was to plan my family's weekly meals by what was on sale at the grocery store.  I'm hoping to drastically cut the grocery budget this week and then put the savings into the savings account.  Even if it's only $10, that is $10 more than we had yesterday!

I am going to occasionally blog on my journey to save money too.  I hope any readers that have had success with this will feel free to comment their suggestions/tips below!!