Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey....31 Days to Summer

31 Days to Summer Tip:
Use Just One Tablespoon Of Dressing!!

You jump squat until your legs are shaky. You deprive yourself of things like pizza and chocolate. You order the salad for lunch (with protein), and it comes smothered in ranch dressing. Or Thousand Island, or blue cheese. Ranch dressing weighs in at a whopping 145 calories and 11 grams of fat per serving (2 Tbsp., in theory, but who knows how much is on that salad). If you're "good" like that every day, those extra calories will add up fast. If your salad is swimming in dressing, you might as well have eaten the pizza.

Keep your salad dressing in check, by asking for it on the side, and using only about a tablespoon. Or, better yet, ask for lemon wedges and squeeze them as liberally as you like. Learn to make your own fresh salad dressing to make your salads at home the star of your meal.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey....32 Days to Summer

32 Days to Summer Tip:
Hold a Wall Sit for One Minute!!

If you're doing (or have ever done) P90X, you very familiar the wall sits from the Legs & Back DVD. The goal here is to sit against a wall with your quadriceps and knees parallel to the ground (i.e. at 90 degrees) as if you're sitting on a chair. You hold this position for 15 seconds at a time, between which, you're allowed to come slightly out of the pose by scooting up the wall a little. They burn. They're supposed to.

So, why should you do wall sits? Because this deceivingly simple move works all the major muscles of the legs and if you want to have sexy, toned legs, these will help.

Today, challenge yourself to do a wall sit for one minute. Take breaks if you need to. And, if you can already hold a wall sit for a minute, then aim for two!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey.....33 days to summer

33 Days to Summer Tip:
Cut out all soda-even diet!!!

 There are countless reasons to stop drinking soda, immediately. Soda consumption has been linked to a host of diseases, including a dramatic increase in the risk for developing cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. The phosphoric acid that gives soda it's "refreshing" zing, is caustic enough to remove rust from the hulls of ships and dissolve acid build-up from car batteries. Tooth enamel and bones suffer that same erosion. Yet, people continue to guzzle the stuff in massive quantities. According to the Beverage Marketing Corporation, Americans drink more than 50 gallons per capita of carbonated soft drinks each year, the most in the world.

To add insult to injury, people who drink one or more soft drinks a day have a 31 percent greater risk of becoming obese. In his article about the Top 10 Reasons to Give Up Soda, our Fitness and Nutrition Expert, Steve Edwards says, "If you're looking for a scapegoat in the obesity epidemic, look no further than soda. It's the single greatest caloric source in the world, accounting for somewhere between 11 and 19 percent of all the calories consumed worldwide. It's cheap, addictive, and readily available, which generally means that it will take some willpower to avoid."

Diet soda is just as bad. Research shows that overweight people who choose diet beverages eat about the same number of total calories as those who choose sugar sweetened sodas. Their drinks may be calorie-free, but they make up for that by eating 88-194 more calories per day! What's more, when they snack, diet soda drinkers get more of their calories from sweets, which suggests that artificial sweeteners do something to cause an even stronger sweet tooth.

We know that eliminating soda from your diet is easier said than done. If you have to, ease into it. If you drink two sodas (or two liters of soda) cut that amount by half, and replace it with something from the list below:

1. Water. Learn to love it.
2. Need flavor? Add crushed berries, cucumber, lemon, or mint to water.
3. Like it fizzy? Carbonated water is your friend.
4. Skip flavored syrups; try flavored bitters instead.
5. Crave caffeine? Try unsweetened iced tea or green tea.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey....34 Days to Summer

34 Days until summer Tip:
Eat More Protein!

 When it comes to the basics of nutrition, there are three building blocks of any diet: Carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Your body needs all three to function properly (and to get the results you want). Most Beachbody programs follow a 40% carbohydrate, 30% fat, 30% protein guideline. But, many of us don't get all the protein we need, with our diets skewing higher in fat and carb consumption. Some studies estimate the standard American diet is around 50% carb, 35% fat, and just 15% protein.
So try to eat lean protein such as fish or eggs at every meal! 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey.....35 days until summer

35 Day Tip:
Prepare Healthy Snacks!!!

Don't get so hungry you get hungry. When the urge to snack strikes, be prepared with healthy snacks so you don't go rogue and knock over a vending machine trying to score the last bag of peanut M&Ms. Keep fresh fruit on hand at all times and develop an arsenal of other go-to snacks like raw, unsalted nuts, homemade energy bars, and of course, Shakeology.

Here are some easy-to-prepare snacks that have less than 100 calories:

Popcorn: Munch on 2 cups of all-natural popcorn.
Nuts: A handful of 25 pistachios, 14 almonds, or 16 peanuts will provide the protein and fat your body needs.
Mini quesadilla: Melt 1 Tbsp. of cheddar onto 1 small corn tortilla. Top with shredded cabbage or diced tomato.
Strawberries and chocolate: Dip 4 or 5 strawberries into 2 squares or melted dark chocolate.
Jicama: Chop 1½ cups of jicama and add a splash of lemon juice and a pinch of salt for a tangy, refreshing treat.
Carrots with hummus: Crunch on 9 or 10 baby carrots with a side of 2 tablespoons of hummus.
Eggs with guacamole: Hard boil an egg and replace the yolk with 2 Tbsp. of guacamole.
Mediterranean tomato: Dice one medium tomato and top with 2 Tbsp. feta cheese and a pinch of salt.
Edamame: Boil or steam one-half cup of unshelled edamame with a pinch of salt for a fiber-rich snack.
Olives: For a salty snack, enjoy 9 kalamata olives.

Watch the video above for more tips from Autumn Calabrese, the creator of 21 Day Fix! 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey.....36 days until summer

36 Days until Summer Tip:

Drink a Glass of Water Every Hour You are Awake!!

 You know you should drink water. But, do you? Do you drink enough? You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water a day. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, you should aim to drink 60 ounces of water each day. One easy way to do this is to set an alarm to go off the beginning of each hour you're awake and drink 8 ounces of water when it does. By the time you reach the end of the day, you'll have successfully drank at least the amount of water your body needs.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey....37 Days before summer

Only 37 days to go!!!!

Today's tip: Stop eating three hours before bed!!

Does it really matter when you stop eating at night? Yes. Even though mathematically it seems to makes sense that if you eat less calories than you burn, it shouldn't matter if you eat them throughout the day or if you ate them all at once. But that's not how the body works. Some research believe that eating before you sleep causes weight can because it can knock your circadian rhythms out of whack and reduce your levels of leptin, the hormone that tells you you're full. The result? Midnight fridge raids in your future.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Curvy Girls 42 days until Summer

42 Days Until summer tip: 
Take a walk during lunch!

 Let's be honest. Moving > not moving. But, if you're like most Americans, you spend an average of 56 hours a week just sitting. In fact, hours probably go by without you having moved from your desk. Or the couch.

In fact, sitting that much - even if you are working out daily - can be very harmful to your health. A recent study revealed that sitting for more than 6 hours a day can result in an early death. They're not yet sure why, but one of the study's authors told Harvard's health blog that "Even if you are doing the recommended amount of moderate to vigorous exercise, you will still have a higher risk of mortality if you’re spending too many hours sitting.” So get up.

If you can, set an alarm for yourself so you get up and walk around for 5 minutes every hour. It doesn't matter if you're walking up and down the internal stairs at your office or home or if you're walking to your car and back. Just make it happen.

Then, at lunch, take some time for an extended walk. Now that spring is here, it's warm enough to get out and walk. If it's raining, do a longer walk inside your building or head to a nearby mall (or other large indoor space) and do a couple laps.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Curvy Girls 44 and 43 days to summer

Ahh! I missed a day!! So you are getting two tips today :)
Remember to add these tips to what you are already doing....just because you have a new tip doesn't mean you can stop doing those jumping jacks during commercials! lol

Day 44 Tip:
Throw out the junk food!!
You heard us right. Your challenge today is to empty your desk, cupboards, fridge, freezer, car, and secret snack stash drawer of foods and drinks you shouldn't be eating. If you want to reach your fitness goal by summer, prevent temptation by removing all junk food from your house. If the packaged foods are unopened, donate them. Read the labels, if a food has un-pronounceable additives or anything ending in -ose (that's sugar), it goes.

If you find when you are finished that your bag is more than half full, you might want to reconsider your shopping and snacking habits. We know you spent good money on those Ding Dongs and Sriracha Doritos, but they are doing the opposite of helping you reach your health and fitness goals. Those "foods" are just plain bad for you. When your next junk food craving strikes, reach for Shakeology or a piece of fruit!

Day 43 Tip:
Restock your pantry!!

Now that your pantry is empty of all the junk food, what do you put in it?  Here is a basic list of what should be stocked in your pantry to ensure you can eat healthy anytime:
  • Canned beans (no or low sodium)
  • Dried fruits
  • Easy to cook whole grains (brown rice)
  • Raw almonds
  • Nut butters (1-2 tbsp per serving)
  • Spaghetti sauce (no added sugar)
  • Salsa
  • Coconut oil
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Reduced sodium broth
  • Spices
  • Lentils
  • Hot sauce
  • Sea salt
  • Cupboard friendly vegetables (onions/garlic) 
Use these basics to make your own meals at home which reduces the cravings and convenience of fast food.  

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey.....45 Days to Summer!!

45 Days to Summer Tip:

 Instead of fast-forwarding through TV commercials, use them as an opportunity to get your heart pumping and burn calories! Get off the couch and do a speed round. Focus on perfect form, drive the balls of your feet into the floor and spring back up touching your fingertips together at the top of each jump to get your shoulder muscles in on the action. Doing this at full-bore intensity, a 150 pound person can burn up to 150 calories during the commercials in one episode of Scandal. Make this a habit, and you'll see real results!!
How many jumping jacks can you do during one commercial?!?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey to....46 days until summer!

Thanks for coming back for more tips as our countdown to summer continues!
Did you set your goal yesterday?  I would love to hear what it is! Share by commenting below!

46 Days Until Summer Tip:
Figure out how many calories you should be eating!

I know that it can get confusing trying to figure out this magical number and every website or calorie calculator gives you a different answer.  But you don't have to be exact! Here is a quick method to getting an approximate number for your calorie intake:

Sedentary: You work in an office or at home and sit for most of the day. Current weight in pounds x 12 = Calories needed to maintain weight.

Moderately Active: You walk or are on your feet for most of the day (i.e server in a restaurant) or are doing one of our entry level programs. Current weight in pounds x 13 = Calories needed to maintain weight.

Highly Active You spend most of your day doing labor intensive work or lifting heavy objects or are doing one of our high intensity programs. Current weight in pounds x 14 = Calories needed to maintain weight.

If you want to lose weight, subtract 500 calories from that number. But, don't go below 1200 calories.  If you are trying to gain weight, add 300 calories.

I know that counting calories isn't fun and can be time consuming, but it is necessary to make us aware of what we are consuming.  When I first started counting calories, I easily understood why I was so overweight....I was eating WAY too much!!

Now, I use a Free app called MyFitnessPal to help keep track of my calories.  View previous blog posting for more information about this app. 

So start counting your calories today and lets get to our summer goal!!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey....47 days to summer countdown

Can you believe there are only 47 days until summer!?!

I'm excited about the warm sun, being outside, vacations, swimming....but I guess that also means my least favorite part of summer....a bathing suit!!!
Ugh, does anyone else dread seeing those cute and very small swimsuits arrive in the stores?
I always go into swimsuit shopping with a positive attitude and anxious to find one that looks great on me.  I grab a few different ones in my normal size and head to the dressing room....only to find that none of them fit!! I have to go back out and get a size or two larger just to get them on.  I finally give up and pick the one that hides my most unflattering features and head to the check out.  I leave the store feeling fat and defeated.

But not this summer!!!!!

I have 47 days to get my body into the best shape it has ever been!! I am determined to be healthier and leaner this summer! Do you want to join in with me on this challenge?!?

I am going to be posting a tip every day for the next 47 days that will get us in shape for summer.  Not only will we look good, but we will feel better about our bodies and have more confidence when facing the swimsuit shopping trip! Let's get started today!

Tip for day 47:
Set a clear and attainable goal!!
 Be ambitious but reasonable
Any goal worth working for requires dedication, effort, and persistence. That said, remember this is a short term goal. Set your sights on something that can be achieved if you work hard for the next 47 days. (Keep in mind that a healthy rate for weight loss is about 2 pounds per week).

Be specific
Deciding that you will lose 8 pounds is a more effective goal than just saying that you want to lose weight. As you work to attain it, you'll have a clear measure of your achievements, and knowing exactly how much farther you have to go will keep you motivated. The best part about having a specific goal is there will be no question when you have achieved it.

Be positive
Make reaching your goal be about what you will do instead of what you will not do. Thinking about unhealthy habits or foods you should avoid keeps those guilty habits on your mind all the time, and ultimately makes you feel deprived. Focus instead on positive changes that you will make to be healthier and more fit. What healthy foods will you eat? What workouts will you do?

Share your goal
When you've determined what you are working for, tell the world! Tell your friends and family, let me know in the comments, share it on social media. You'll invite support from unlikely places and your enthusiasm may inspire others to join you.

Keep it real
Focusing on a clear, attainable goal gives you a concrete reason push harder in your workouts and stick to healthy food choices. For the next 47 days, I'll be giving you tips and challenges to help you reach your goal, but I'd like to remind you that your body is ready for the beach right now. All you need is a bathing suit and a body of water, or sprinklers, and you're good to go. However, I understand that after a succession of holiday feasts and winter hibernation, what many of us need is confidence. Reaching your goal should give you the confidence to strut your stuff.

Let's do this!!!!