Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to 10 Easy Food Tips

Sometimes healthy eating can seem overwhelming.  Should you follow the clean eating plan, do the 7 day cleanse, start a paleo diet, count calories, do a carb cycling plan.......?????

There are a lot of options out there and if you have found what works for you, great! But if you are like me and feel overwhelmed at times with all the choices and trying to figure out which is best, then these 10 easy tips are a great place to start. 

These are the 10 things that have truly helped me eat better and are simple ones to follow on any food plan.  If you are just starting out, try incorporating 2 new things from the list each week until you are consistently following all 10. 

10 Easy Food Tips for Losing Weight the Healthy Way

  1. Drink water BEFORE every meal
  2. Put 1/2 restaurant meal in a to-go container before you begin eating
  3. Do not eat in front of tv, computer, or smart phone
  4. Eat breakfast within an hour of waking
  5. Plan ahead! Prep 2-3 days of meals ahead of time
  6. No carbs (starch) after 7pm or 3 hours before bedtime
  7. Limit fruit to twice daily 
  8. Try to eat 5-6 small meals everyday 
  9. Eat a serving of veggies at every meal 
  10. CONSISTENCY is key!!! If you have a day where you slip up...Don't Give Up!! Start fresh at your next meal. 

I hope these tips help you out and give you a few ideas of how to eat healthier.  If you have a simple tip, please share in the comments! I love learning new things and it's a great feeling to help someone else.  

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey....to different ways to workout

Yes, I prefer home workout programs, but I get bored VERY easily.  So I may or may not own 7 pieces of workout equipment and accessories along with over 8 home workout programs.  And I my or may not change my workout routine almost every single day :)

I feel that this gives my body a different type of workout/stretch it needs and it keeps me motivated which is over half the battle!

So follow a workout program because they are developed by professionals who know exactly what your body needs to get stronger and healthier.  But break it up with some fun too! Try one of the exercises listed in the chart and get your family involved.  Show your kids that working out can be enjoyable! Have FUN!!!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to being a role model

One of the main reasons I changed my lifestyle to a healthier one was for my daughter.  When I became pregnant, I was suddenly aware that what I put into my body affected someone else.  I cut out most sugar, ate more veggies, and made sure to take my vitamins.  I actually weighed less after I gave birth than before I got pregnant. 

After my daughter was born, I reverted back to my old eating habits.  I was busy taking care of an infant during the day and barely had time or the energy to eat.  But then when she went to bed in the evening, I was starving and wanted to literally eat everything in sight.  I quickly gained back the weight I had lost and then some. 

My wake up moment was when my daughter became a toddler and was constantly on the go.   I didn't have the energy to keep up with her or play all day.  I then realized that even though what I ate wasn't directly affecting her like when I was pregnant, it was still affecting her indirectly!

I had to make a change and be a role model!! I wanted her growing up knowing that women could be strong and fit, love their bodies, and be confident.  I wanted her to know how to take care of herself and eat the right things. 

I encourage all of you to take a look at how your eating habits and lifestyle are affecting those around you.  Do you need to make a change to be a better role model? 

This is a picture of my husband and daughter working out with me :)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to a FREE challenge group

A totally FREE 7-day challenge group!!!

I have decided to start a 7 day private Facebook group for those who are ready to get started on their healthy journey.  This group will start on Monday, August 25th and I have a spot open for you!

In the group, we will learn what to eat, when to eat, and how much we should eat.  There will be a FREE workout video posted each day too.  I will provide recipes and snack ideas. 

I only ask that the members fully commit to the group and their new healthy life.  I am devoting my time to you and I want you to devote time to yourself! There will be assignments posted daily and if you miss two assignments, you will be removed from the group.  This may seem harsh, but I need to make time and space for those who are truly serious. 

So you are ready!!! What do you do now?

If interested in joining, fill out the application at: http://www.samanthaloy.com/free-7-day-group.html

I will then contact you within 24 hours to let you know if you are accepted into the group :) 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to baked oats and berries

Along my health journey, I've learned that prepping food and having something quick to eat is key to staying on track. 

I love preparing quick breakfasts because mornings are always the craziest time in my house.  I'm going to share a recipe I've tried before and LOVE!

Not only is it easy to make on the weekends, it tastes great reheated during the week.  My 4-year-old daughter loves to help make it and I try to involve her in the kitchen whenever possible.  After all, showing our families how to eat healthy is almost as important as eating healthy ourselves :)

Baked Oats and Berries
Makes 1 pint jar

1/2 banana
1/2 cup berries
1/4 cup uncooked oats
2 teaspoon peanut butter
honey to taste

Preheat oven 375 degrees.  In bowl, mash banana with honey and peanut butter.  Add oats and stir together.  Drop berries in bottom of jar and spoon banana mixture on top.  Place uncovered jar in center of rimmed baking sheet.  Bake for 20-30 minutes. 

If you are on the 21 Day Fix program, 1 pint jar of Baked Oats and Berries counts as:
1.5 purple
1 yellow
2 teaspoons

Hope you enjoy this yummy and quick breakfast! And remember to prep on a free day :)

Monday, June 2, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey.....19 Days Until Summer

I love to experiment and try new foods! But I'm not always sure how to buy, use, or cook with the strange looking items in my grocery store.  So I buy it and then do a search online! A few weeks ago, I made a recipe that called for jicama and I wasn't quite sure which brown thing in the produce aisle at the supermarket was jicama and which was cassava. The important thing is, I am trying them, and so far, I haven't met a new fruit or vegetable that I don't like.

 Eating a variety of different healthy foods ensures that your body gets a broad spectrum of nutrition. Trying something you've never tasted before can give your body a new source of important nutrients.

Introducing new foods to your menu can help you stick to a healthy diet by shaking things up a little bit! Give yourself new flavors and new recipes to explore. Are you eating the same salad every day? Why not toss in a green you've never tasted? Like dandelion greens, or raw, shaved Brussels sprouts, or kale? Tired of yams? Roast a purple potato or a beet instead! There may be a delicious exotic fruit in your future. That furry red thing at the market that looks like an alien life form could be so delicious that it becomes your new favorite food. You'll never know unless you try.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey....31 Days to Summer

31 Days to Summer Tip:
Use Just One Tablespoon Of Dressing!!

You jump squat until your legs are shaky. You deprive yourself of things like pizza and chocolate. You order the salad for lunch (with protein), and it comes smothered in ranch dressing. Or Thousand Island, or blue cheese. Ranch dressing weighs in at a whopping 145 calories and 11 grams of fat per serving (2 Tbsp., in theory, but who knows how much is on that salad). If you're "good" like that every day, those extra calories will add up fast. If your salad is swimming in dressing, you might as well have eaten the pizza.

Keep your salad dressing in check, by asking for it on the side, and using only about a tablespoon. Or, better yet, ask for lemon wedges and squeeze them as liberally as you like. Learn to make your own fresh salad dressing to make your salads at home the star of your meal.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey....32 Days to Summer

32 Days to Summer Tip:
Hold a Wall Sit for One Minute!!

If you're doing (or have ever done) P90X, you very familiar the wall sits from the Legs & Back DVD. The goal here is to sit against a wall with your quadriceps and knees parallel to the ground (i.e. at 90 degrees) as if you're sitting on a chair. You hold this position for 15 seconds at a time, between which, you're allowed to come slightly out of the pose by scooting up the wall a little. They burn. They're supposed to.

So, why should you do wall sits? Because this deceivingly simple move works all the major muscles of the legs and if you want to have sexy, toned legs, these will help.

Today, challenge yourself to do a wall sit for one minute. Take breaks if you need to. And, if you can already hold a wall sit for a minute, then aim for two!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey.....33 days to summer

33 Days to Summer Tip:
Cut out all soda-even diet!!!

 There are countless reasons to stop drinking soda, immediately. Soda consumption has been linked to a host of diseases, including a dramatic increase in the risk for developing cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. The phosphoric acid that gives soda it's "refreshing" zing, is caustic enough to remove rust from the hulls of ships and dissolve acid build-up from car batteries. Tooth enamel and bones suffer that same erosion. Yet, people continue to guzzle the stuff in massive quantities. According to the Beverage Marketing Corporation, Americans drink more than 50 gallons per capita of carbonated soft drinks each year, the most in the world.

To add insult to injury, people who drink one or more soft drinks a day have a 31 percent greater risk of becoming obese. In his article about the Top 10 Reasons to Give Up Soda, our Fitness and Nutrition Expert, Steve Edwards says, "If you're looking for a scapegoat in the obesity epidemic, look no further than soda. It's the single greatest caloric source in the world, accounting for somewhere between 11 and 19 percent of all the calories consumed worldwide. It's cheap, addictive, and readily available, which generally means that it will take some willpower to avoid."

Diet soda is just as bad. Research shows that overweight people who choose diet beverages eat about the same number of total calories as those who choose sugar sweetened sodas. Their drinks may be calorie-free, but they make up for that by eating 88-194 more calories per day! What's more, when they snack, diet soda drinkers get more of their calories from sweets, which suggests that artificial sweeteners do something to cause an even stronger sweet tooth.

We know that eliminating soda from your diet is easier said than done. If you have to, ease into it. If you drink two sodas (or two liters of soda) cut that amount by half, and replace it with something from the list below:

1. Water. Learn to love it.
2. Need flavor? Add crushed berries, cucumber, lemon, or mint to water.
3. Like it fizzy? Carbonated water is your friend.
4. Skip flavored syrups; try flavored bitters instead.
5. Crave caffeine? Try unsweetened iced tea or green tea.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey....34 Days to Summer

34 Days until summer Tip:
Eat More Protein!

 When it comes to the basics of nutrition, there are three building blocks of any diet: Carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Your body needs all three to function properly (and to get the results you want). Most Beachbody programs follow a 40% carbohydrate, 30% fat, 30% protein guideline. But, many of us don't get all the protein we need, with our diets skewing higher in fat and carb consumption. Some studies estimate the standard American diet is around 50% carb, 35% fat, and just 15% protein.
So try to eat lean protein such as fish or eggs at every meal! 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey.....35 days until summer

35 Day Tip:
Prepare Healthy Snacks!!!

Don't get so hungry you get hungry. When the urge to snack strikes, be prepared with healthy snacks so you don't go rogue and knock over a vending machine trying to score the last bag of peanut M&Ms. Keep fresh fruit on hand at all times and develop an arsenal of other go-to snacks like raw, unsalted nuts, homemade energy bars, and of course, Shakeology.

Here are some easy-to-prepare snacks that have less than 100 calories:

Popcorn: Munch on 2 cups of all-natural popcorn.
Nuts: A handful of 25 pistachios, 14 almonds, or 16 peanuts will provide the protein and fat your body needs.
Mini quesadilla: Melt 1 Tbsp. of cheddar onto 1 small corn tortilla. Top with shredded cabbage or diced tomato.
Strawberries and chocolate: Dip 4 or 5 strawberries into 2 squares or melted dark chocolate.
Jicama: Chop 1½ cups of jicama and add a splash of lemon juice and a pinch of salt for a tangy, refreshing treat.
Carrots with hummus: Crunch on 9 or 10 baby carrots with a side of 2 tablespoons of hummus.
Eggs with guacamole: Hard boil an egg and replace the yolk with 2 Tbsp. of guacamole.
Mediterranean tomato: Dice one medium tomato and top with 2 Tbsp. feta cheese and a pinch of salt.
Edamame: Boil or steam one-half cup of unshelled edamame with a pinch of salt for a fiber-rich snack.
Olives: For a salty snack, enjoy 9 kalamata olives.

Watch the video above for more tips from Autumn Calabrese, the creator of 21 Day Fix! 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey.....36 days until summer

36 Days until Summer Tip:

Drink a Glass of Water Every Hour You are Awake!!

 You know you should drink water. But, do you? Do you drink enough? You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water a day. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, you should aim to drink 60 ounces of water each day. One easy way to do this is to set an alarm to go off the beginning of each hour you're awake and drink 8 ounces of water when it does. By the time you reach the end of the day, you'll have successfully drank at least the amount of water your body needs.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey....37 Days before summer

Only 37 days to go!!!!

Today's tip: Stop eating three hours before bed!!

Does it really matter when you stop eating at night? Yes. Even though mathematically it seems to makes sense that if you eat less calories than you burn, it shouldn't matter if you eat them throughout the day or if you ate them all at once. But that's not how the body works. Some research believe that eating before you sleep causes weight can because it can knock your circadian rhythms out of whack and reduce your levels of leptin, the hormone that tells you you're full. The result? Midnight fridge raids in your future.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey......to 42 days until Summer

42 Days Until summer tip: 
Take a walk during lunch!

 Let's be honest. Moving > not moving. But, if you're like most Americans, you spend an average of 56 hours a week just sitting. In fact, hours probably go by without you having moved from your desk. Or the couch.

In fact, sitting that much - even if you are working out daily - can be very harmful to your health. A recent study revealed that sitting for more than 6 hours a day can result in an early death. They're not yet sure why, but one of the study's authors told Harvard's health blog that "Even if you are doing the recommended amount of moderate to vigorous exercise, you will still have a higher risk of mortality if you’re spending too many hours sitting.” So get up.

If you can, set an alarm for yourself so you get up and walk around for 5 minutes every hour. It doesn't matter if you're walking up and down the internal stairs at your office or home or if you're walking to your car and back. Just make it happen.

Then, at lunch, take some time for an extended walk. Now that spring is here, it's warm enough to get out and walk. If it's raining, do a longer walk inside your building or head to a nearby mall (or other large indoor space) and do a couple laps.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey.....to 44 and 43 days to summer

Ahh! I missed a day!! So you are getting two tips today :)
Remember to add these tips to what you are already doing....just because you have a new tip doesn't mean you can stop doing those jumping jacks during commercials! lol

Day 44 Tip:
Throw out the junk food!!
You heard us right. Your challenge today is to empty your desk, cupboards, fridge, freezer, car, and secret snack stash drawer of foods and drinks you shouldn't be eating. If you want to reach your fitness goal by summer, prevent temptation by removing all junk food from your house. If the packaged foods are unopened, donate them. Read the labels, if a food has un-pronounceable additives or anything ending in -ose (that's sugar), it goes.

If you find when you are finished that your bag is more than half full, you might want to reconsider your shopping and snacking habits. We know you spent good money on those Ding Dongs and Sriracha Doritos, but they are doing the opposite of helping you reach your health and fitness goals. Those "foods" are just plain bad for you. When your next junk food craving strikes, reach for Shakeology or a piece of fruit!

Day 43 Tip:
Restock your pantry!!

Now that your pantry is empty of all the junk food, what do you put in it?  Here is a basic list of what should be stocked in your pantry to ensure you can eat healthy anytime:
  • Canned beans (no or low sodium)
  • Dried fruits
  • Easy to cook whole grains (brown rice)
  • Raw almonds
  • Nut butters (1-2 tbsp per serving)
  • Spaghetti sauce (no added sugar)
  • Salsa
  • Coconut oil
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Reduced sodium broth
  • Spices
  • Lentils
  • Hot sauce
  • Sea salt
  • Cupboard friendly vegetables (onions/garlic) 
Use these basics to make your own meals at home which reduces the cravings and convenience of fast food.  

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey.....45 Days to Summer!!

45 Days to Summer Tip:

 Instead of fast-forwarding through TV commercials, use them as an opportunity to get your heart pumping and burn calories! Get off the couch and do a speed round. Focus on perfect form, drive the balls of your feet into the floor and spring back up touching your fingertips together at the top of each jump to get your shoulder muscles in on the action. Doing this at full-bore intensity, a 150 pound person can burn up to 150 calories during the commercials in one episode of Scandal. Make this a habit, and you'll see real results!!
How many jumping jacks can you do during one commercial?!?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey to....46 days until summer!

Thanks for coming back for more tips as our countdown to summer continues!
Did you set your goal yesterday?  I would love to hear what it is! Share by commenting below!

46 Days Until Summer Tip:
Figure out how many calories you should be eating!

I know that it can get confusing trying to figure out this magical number and every website or calorie calculator gives you a different answer.  But you don't have to be exact! Here is a quick method to getting an approximate number for your calorie intake:

Sedentary: You work in an office or at home and sit for most of the day. Current weight in pounds x 12 = Calories needed to maintain weight.

Moderately Active: You walk or are on your feet for most of the day (i.e server in a restaurant) or are doing one of our entry level programs. Current weight in pounds x 13 = Calories needed to maintain weight.

Highly Active You spend most of your day doing labor intensive work or lifting heavy objects or are doing one of our high intensity programs. Current weight in pounds x 14 = Calories needed to maintain weight.

If you want to lose weight, subtract 500 calories from that number. But, don't go below 1200 calories.  If you are trying to gain weight, add 300 calories.

I know that counting calories isn't fun and can be time consuming, but it is necessary to make us aware of what we are consuming.  When I first started counting calories, I easily understood why I was so overweight....I was eating WAY too much!!

Now, I use a Free app called MyFitnessPal to help keep track of my calories.  View previous blog posting for more information about this app. 

So start counting your calories today and lets get to our summer goal!!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey....47 days to summer countdown

Can you believe there are only 47 days until summer!?!

I'm excited about the warm sun, being outside, vacations, swimming....but I guess that also means my least favorite part of summer....a bathing suit!!!
Ugh, does anyone else dread seeing those cute and very small swimsuits arrive in the stores?
I always go into swimsuit shopping with a positive attitude and anxious to find one that looks great on me.  I grab a few different ones in my normal size and head to the dressing room....only to find that none of them fit!! I have to go back out and get a size or two larger just to get them on.  I finally give up and pick the one that hides my most unflattering features and head to the check out.  I leave the store feeling fat and defeated.

But not this summer!!!!!

I have 47 days to get my body into the best shape it has ever been!! I am determined to be healthier and leaner this summer! Do you want to join in with me on this challenge?!?

I am going to be posting a tip every day for the next 47 days that will get us in shape for summer.  Not only will we look good, but we will feel better about our bodies and have more confidence when facing the swimsuit shopping trip! Let's get started today!

Tip for day 47:
Set a clear and attainable goal!!
 Be ambitious but reasonable
Any goal worth working for requires dedication, effort, and persistence. That said, remember this is a short term goal. Set your sights on something that can be achieved if you work hard for the next 47 days. (Keep in mind that a healthy rate for weight loss is about 2 pounds per week).

Be specific
Deciding that you will lose 8 pounds is a more effective goal than just saying that you want to lose weight. As you work to attain it, you'll have a clear measure of your achievements, and knowing exactly how much farther you have to go will keep you motivated. The best part about having a specific goal is there will be no question when you have achieved it.

Be positive
Make reaching your goal be about what you will do instead of what you will not do. Thinking about unhealthy habits or foods you should avoid keeps those guilty habits on your mind all the time, and ultimately makes you feel deprived. Focus instead on positive changes that you will make to be healthier and more fit. What healthy foods will you eat? What workouts will you do?

Share your goal
When you've determined what you are working for, tell the world! Tell your friends and family, let me know in the comments, share it on social media. You'll invite support from unlikely places and your enthusiasm may inspire others to join you.

Keep it real
Focusing on a clear, attainable goal gives you a concrete reason push harder in your workouts and stick to healthy food choices. For the next 47 days, I'll be giving you tips and challenges to help you reach your goal, but I'd like to remind you that your body is ready for the beach right now. All you need is a bathing suit and a body of water, or sprinklers, and you're good to go. However, I understand that after a succession of holiday feasts and winter hibernation, what many of us need is confidence. Reaching your goal should give you the confidence to strut your stuff.

Let's do this!!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Curvy girls journey.....to spiralizing

I have seen posts about people using zucchini and carrots in place of pasta and was curious! 
It turns out they used something called a spiralizer. This kitchen gadget will turn your zucchini into perfectly shaped noodles so you can enjoy a plate of "spaghetti" without the carbs! 
After a little research, I bought this one from Amazon. 
This one was smaller than most I had seen and the price appealed to me since I wasn't sure exactly how it worked. Well, I tried it and.....love it!! The zucchini was sliced into thin spaghetti strands with little effort and I had a delicious, healthy meal ready in no time at all! 
Here is my zoodles (zucchini noodles) with mushrooms and sauce that I enjoyed for dinner: 
I am excited to try out some more recipes with my new found toy and will post their results! So if you are looking on a creative way to eat healthy or cut down on carbs, get to spiralizing!!! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to learning to eat right

Sorry I haven't posted in sooo long! The flu bug made it's way around my family and then once I got out of the habit of posting, it was difficult to start again.  Kind of like exercise and eating right! lol

I have been struggling with portion controls lately.  I like to cook and eat healthy foods, but the problem is that I think I can eat more because.....well it's healthy, right!?! I can bake sugar, gluten, and dairy free cookies and think they are absolutely yummy.  But I compromise with myself that I can have more than normal because they don't have sugar in them.  But really, the calories still add up!!!

So what should I do?? I've found the solution!!
I need to relearn how to eat and what portions are right for my body!
Harder than it sounds.  I found a new workout program that I know will help me with this new goal.  It's called the 21 Day Fix and focuses on nutrition as well as exercise.  Because we all know that you can workout for hours but if you aren't eating right, then your body isn't going to change.
21 Day Fix is a 21 day program that features 30 minute workouts.  The part I like about this program, is that it also comes with color coded food containers. 
These containers will help me learn how much I should eat.  Based on your height, weight, age, etc, you will be allowed a certain number of each container.  For example, the green container is for vegetables and you may be allowed 4 containers a day.  The food plan will then list which foods fall into this container category.  If it doesn't fit in the container, save it for tomorrow! Its that simple! *I've also heard that the food plan allows chocolate and wine :)

I am determined to make this work for me! If you have problems with portion control or want to see a change in your body in a short amount of time (but still the healthy way!), then join me in completing the 21 Day Fix! I am starting the beginning of April and would love to have others going through the same program to help me stay on track and motivate each other.  I will offer a private challenge group on Facebook where we can gather and discuss what our successes and failures are together.  It will be a small group of 10 people or less so we can stay connected (this also means that spots are filling up fast)! 

So let's get ready for summer by jump starting our metabolisms and learning correct portion sizes! You can join me in a few ways.  Click on the 21 Day Fix banner on the right of this blog to purchase your program. Or if you have questions, or would like to talk to me a little more about the program, send me a message and friend request on Facebook

Here is one lady's amazing results from this program.  I can't wait to see our results after 21 days!!!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey....to butternut squash enchiladas

I found a recipe for Butternut Squash Enchiladas on skinnytaste.com and thought I would try it out.  I LOVE mexican food and have a habit of overdoing it or ordering the wrong things when I go out to a mexican restaurant.  So I try to satisfy my cravings by making a lighter version of my favorite dishes at home!

This recipe was a success and I will definitely make it again! I changed up the recipe I originally found on skinnytaste.com to cut down on cooking time and according to what I had in my pantry.  If you want to try out a different version from mine or are looking for other healthy recipes, I recommend skinnytaste.com!

Butternut Squash Enchiladas
Servings: 6
Calories per serving: about 185

Bag of frozen, cubed butternut squash
Can of low sodium black beans
Can  of rotel
Can of enchilada sauce
Reduced fat shredded chesse
Low carb tortillas (6)
Half packet of taco seasoning

Preheat over to 350 degrees. Pour about 1/4 cup of enchilada sauce on the bottom of a 13x9 inch baking dish.  In skillet, combine frozen squash, black beans, rotel, and taco seasoning.  Cook until squash is tender. 

 Spoon mixture into 6 tortillas and lay seam down into baking dish.  Add remainder of enchilada sauce on top of tortillas and add 1/4 cup shredded cheese. Cover dish with foil and bake for 15-20 minutes until tortillas are warm and cheese is melted.  Enjoy!!
I really enjoyed this dish and had one with a side salad to make a complete meal.  I did make mine a little too spicy (bought the wrong rotel!) and will tone it down a little next time, but it was still yummy!! Hope you enjoy as much as I did!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Curvy girls journey.....to protein bites


I drink my Shakeology very single day, but wanted to experiment with another way to eat a protein snack. I found some recipes on Facebook and created my own by using ingredients I had already. I knew I wanted a chocolate flavored snack because every girl needs a little chocolate now and then ;) 
I used a scoop of Shakeology and because I've researched other protein and meal replacement shakes, I highly recommend using Shakeology!! This amazing shake has 70 natural ingredients that are vital to your health such as chia, flax, gogi berry, acai, lots of vitamins, and more!! Feel free to contact me for more information about Shakeology or check it out here. 

Chocolate Shakeology Protein Bites
Calories per serving: 102

1/3 cup natural peanut butter
Scoop of chocolate shakeology
1/4 cup honey
3 tbsp ground flax seed
3 tbsp mini chocolate chips

Mix all ingredients together. I found it easier to mix consistently using my hands (my daughter had fun with this part)! Scoop a tablespoon of the mixture and roll into a ball. Enjoy!! 
Great for pre or post workout! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Curvy girls journey....to meal plan 2

I have been MIA the past week because I caught the flu bug :(
I have finally fully recovered and am ready to get back into a routine with workouts and eating! It felt so good to workout this morning after being unable to for the past 3 days.  Of course, my arms are already sore because I've been inactive for way too long, lol!

I wanted to share my food plan for the week.  I do have some of the same meals as last week just because I didn't eat everything and want to get the most use out of my grocery budget.  I will share some of the recipes and pictures of the meals throughout the week.  But this may give you some great ideas for snacks or you can follow it exactly! I really recommend planing out your meals though because you are less likely to stray from healthy eating if you already know what you are eating and have some of it prepped.  Keep up the great work this week!

Egg Sandwich
Waffles w/ Strawberries
Oatmeal w/ hard boiled egg
Rice Cake and Omelet
Oatmeal w/ fresh berries
Cream of wheat
Shake w/ oats
Shake w/ oats
Omelet w/ mushrooms cheese
Butternut squash enchilada
Turkey w/ brussel sprouts
Marinated chicken w/ broccoli
Butternut squash enchilada
Marinated chicken w/ green beans
Asian chicken wrap
Strawberry jello
Pastry crisps
Cottage cheese w/ fruit
Almonds and string cheese
Pastry crisps
Orange jello
 Hard boiled egg and tomatoes
Turkey with mashed cauliflower
Roasted veggie mac n cheese
Chef salad
Spaghetti squash w/ chicken
Chicken salad pita w/ broccoli
Spaghetti squash w/ chicken
Asian chicken wrap

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to week 1 meal plan

I am going to show you my meal plan for the week.  I am hoping that some of you will follow the plan or incorporate some of the food ideas into your own.  I will be giving you a shopping list that you can copy and print, the meal schedule, and recipes.  The next blog will show you how I prepped for the week. 
If this format doesn't work for you or you have another idea, please let me know.  I'm am learning by trial and error!  I am also following the carb-cycling plan this week.  To speed up my metabolism, I am eating carbs for every meal one day and then low/no carbs the next two days.  I will share more on this type of plan later...especially if it works!!

Shopping List
  • 100 calorie english muffins
  • candian bacon
  • eggs
  • shakeology- I just tried the strawberry..yum!!
  • old fashioned oats
  • black bean burger
  • 110 calorie bagel buns
  • broccoli
  • whole grain tortilla
  • low fat mozzerella shredded cheese
  • turkey peperoni
  • lamb roast
  • red potatoes
  • carrots
  • imitation crab meat
  • tomatoes
  • lettuce/spinach mix
  • apples
  • string cheese
  • pork tenderloin
  • asparagus
  • strawberries
  • turkey italian sausage
  • spagetti squash
  • cottage cheese
  • almonds
  • tilapia or other white fish
  • green beans
  • butternut squash
  • red enchilada sauce
  • rotel tomatoes
  • black beans
  • brussel sprouts
  • greek yogurt
  • peanut butter
  • banana
  • high fiber cereal
  • almond milk
  • whole wheat elbow macaroni
  • cauliflower
  • Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss cheese 
This list may seem long, but you may have some of the items in your pantry/fridge already.  Plus this is a plan for 5 meals a day for 7 days.  Depending on your family size, you may have leftovers or you may find yourself needing more.

Here is the meal plan:
roasted veggie mac n cheese
Butternut squash and black bean enchiladas
Baked apples

Any questions, feel free to contact me! I'm hoping to work on a better layout for next week!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey....to 21 Day Fix

Beachbody has just came out with an amazing new program that I can't wait to try!! I struggle with combining good eating habits and working out.  One week I will workout on schedule with no problem, but I will overeat.  The next week will be the opposite.  This program helps get workouts and eating on track at the same time. 
The program lasts 21 days and the workouts are only 30 minutes each.  In addition to the workouts, the program includes color-coded containers.  If the appropriate food fits in the containers, you can eat it if not, you have to save it for tomorrow.  You can overeat on healthy foods and this will teach what proper portion sizes are. 
Most people lost 10-15lbs in just 21 days with this simple to use program! It is perfect for anyone who has a wedding, vacation, reunion, or anniversary coming up!
The package deal includes:
  • 30 day supply of Shakeology
  • Free 30 day trial of Club Membership
  • Free shipping
  • 6 easy to follow workouts on 2 dvds
  • 7 color coded containers
  • Eating plan
  • Workout calendar
  • Extra 30 minute workout
  • Free personal coach (me!!)
  • Membership in facebook challenge group
The package deal is now offered at a $70 savings!! You get all the above for only $140. 
Ready to lose weight and improve your health in only 21 days??
click here to get started!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey......to PB and J

Every once in a while I have cravings for kid, comfort food.  Especially on cold and snowy days when I'm stuck inside and can't go anywhere.  Am I the only crazy one or are some of you the same way?
I wanted peanut butter and jelly but without all the calories, so I found this recipe on skinnytaste.com (I love this website!). 

Peanut butter and Jelly Healthy cookies
Serving size: 2 cookies
Makes about 16 cookies
Calories per serving: 91

 1 cup quick oats
2 overly ripe bananas, mashed
2 tbsp peanut butter

Mash bananas, add oats and peanut butter, mix well.  Spoon out into greased cookie sheet (these stuck so I had to use more spray olive oil the second batch). Use tablespoon to dip out and indent with back of spoon.  Bake for  15 minutes at 350 degrees. 
After removing from oven, add 1/4 tsp of jelly to each cookie.  

 These satisfied my craving for peanut butter and jelly! They were pretty good but don't expect them to taste like a cookie.  Also they weren't very appealing looking so I don't recommend serving these at a party or when entertaining.  Overall, I will make them again mainly because they were super simple and satisfied a craving!
My daughter liked them too!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to food prep

So finally I get to the food prep! After meal planning and then grocery shopping, food prep comes next.  I will try to do as much food prep on one day as I can.  I like to do it on my day off work because I do have to devote a couple of hours.  However, it saves so much time during the week and prevents me from going through the drive thru for a quick meal. 

I cut and chop all food that I possibly can.  You can chop onions and peppers.  Make snack size bags with raw broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and celery.  Pre-cut fruit such as strawberries, apples, and oranges.  Pre-cutting snacks help because you have quick access to a healthier option which will make you more likely to grab it! In the picture, i also have butternut squash cubed and ready to cook.
An important food prep step that I just recently started is to separate out serving sizes.  How often do we eat more than we planned when we eat from the bag or box? And you CAN eat too much even if it is healthy.  Portion sizes are a must if you are trying to lose body fat.  I separate chips, crackers, almonds, pistachios, etc into 100 calorie bags.  I then put these bags into a basket sitting on my counter top.  This gives everyone in my family easy access to healthy, perfect portioned snacks!
While I am cutting and chopping, I am also cooking my protein.  It is important to only cook about three days worth of meat, because bacteria can grow even on cooked food.  I bake skinless, boneless chicken breast until cooked through.  Sometimes I marinate the chicken the night before or just add a no sodium seasoning (like Ms. Dash).  Make sure to weigh your protein after you cooked it and separate it for easy access.  You can even add your steamed veggies to the containers for a complete meal on the go. 

Some other food prep ideas and tips:
  • Boil eggs for a quick 72 calorie snack (or just the whites for 17 calories!)
  • Slice sweet potatoes for baked fries (great side dish!)
  • Make a large pot of turkey chili and separate 
  • Get little plastic cups with lids for peanut butter or hummus to go along with raw veggies
  • Bake healthy muffins or cookies for the week (cookie recipe coming next!!)
  • Make your own granola bars (you will know exactly what is in them!)
  • Prepare overnight oats for those mornings you oversleep or run out of time
If you have any food prep ideas, please feel free to share! I am going to start sharing my weekly meal plans, food prep, and recipes each week to give you some ideas.  If you are like me, you are always on the lookout for great tasting, healthy, and easy meals! 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to a proud daughter

I know, I know....I promised meal prepping but I just had to share this photo too!! :)
My mom and I both started our journey to get healthy at the same time, which was about 10 months ago.  I am so proud of the progress she has made that I just had to share!!

Isn't this amazing?!? I am so proud and happy for her!!  Ten months ago she considered getting gastric bypass surgery, I immediately intervened and talked her out of it.  I did not want her going through risky, life threatening surgery when I knew she was strong enough to do it herself! And she feels more accomplished now than ever. 
So, the question you are all asking...How did she do it? She did it by working hard and committing to changing her lifestyle.  She counted calories (using myfitnesspal), controlled her portion sizes, and completed the workout program Slim in 6.  She is now working out everyday by going to the gym and at home with Insanity. 
This is my mom and I couldn't be prouder of the work she has done! I am encouraged by her everyday and I hope one of you can be motivated by her too!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to insanity

I know I promised my next blog would be about meal planning but I got distracted by the arrival of my Insanity t-shirt in the mail.  Meal planning will be soon though!
I received the Insanity t-shirt for completing the workout program.  To be honest, I have a love/hate relationship with Insanity.  I loved my results and the feeling of accomplishment when I completed it, but it was definitely a hard workout to do.  I did lose 46lbs working out and counting calories with myfitnesspal (an app I mentioned in a previous blog). 
My favorite part of the t-shirt.....it is a size medium and this time last year I would have needed an extra large! I have lost 4 jean sizes and am excited to continue my healthy journey and get even leaner!

If you are interested in challenging yourself and seeing amazing results, check out the Insanity workout program.
Click here to learn more about Insanity

Friday, January 24, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey......to meal planning

In my effort to improve my eating habits and keep my calories under control, I'm planning my meals for the week ahead of time.  This may sound time consuming for some, but it really helps me spend less time in the kitchen during the week.  I also spend less money at the grocery store because I know exactly what I need and am not spending money on things I don't need (or shouldn't have!). 

To begin, I take a quick inventory of what food I have in my freezer and pantry.  I don't write every single thing down, but check to see if I have basics like chicken, black beans, eggs, etc.  After I have this list, I begin to plan my meals.  I use something similar to this chart to fill in every meal:
 The only difference in my chart is that I try to eat a snack after breakfast and after lunch.  I do not eat anything after dinner.  Next, I try to use as many items I have on hand to fill in the chart.  For example, if I have chicken in my freezer, I will plan on having chicken quesdillas on Monday for dinner.  I will make a list of what I need from the grocery store to complete this meal. 

To fill in the chart, I use recipes where I know the calorie count for.  This way I can assure myself that I eat the recommend amount of calories for me to lose weight.  I use several resources for these recipes such as the meal plans that come with the Insanity and Chalean Extreme workout programs, clean eating cookbooks, pins from pinterest, and skinnytaste.com. 

This entire process takes about 30-45 minutes, but at the end I have a full menu for the week and a grocery list for only the items I really need to prepare the meals.  I highly recommend meal planning for anyone who is struggling to stay on track with healthy eating like I am.  My next post will be about food prepping which I've learned is also an important step of meal planning.....until next time!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to food accountability

I just found this awesome new app and just had to share! It's free too, so even better!
The app is called TwoGrand.  It is similar to Instagram except all the pictures are of food.  The concept is to post pictures of every single thing you eat.  They suggest people to follow based on your goal weight.  For example, my goal weight right now is 140, so I am following people who have already reached 140.  This allows me to see what type of food allowed them to get there.
You can also post your workouts or forms of exercises you completed.  The best thing about the app is that it holds me accountable.  Like this afternoon, I was going to put cheese on top of my soup, but I rethought the choice when I knew I would have to take a picture of it and show others.
I think it will help me and I hope it will help you too!!!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to a quick and yummy lunch

I am really focusing on my nutrition this week.  I have finally got into the habit of working out so I knew my nutrition needed work when I wasn't seeing any changes.  I went back to worked so well in the beginning....counting calories with the app 'myfitnesspal' (a free app too!).  I know, counting calories isn't very fun and requires a small amount of obsession, but it really makes a difference.  I am more aware of what to or not to put into my mouth when I have to write it down.
The great thing about the app is that it keeps track of everything for you.  I just type in the food i ate and the app tells me how many calories I have left for the day.  I highly recommend it!!

So this week when I needed a quick and low calorie lunch. I threw this together.  It may not look very appetizing but it really was and it filled me up.  Which is sometimes difficult with a meal under 300 calories. 
Low Cal Chicken Bowl
Serving size: 1
Calories: 243
Ingredients: 1 cup chopped zucchini
1 cup sliced mushrooms
3 oz. precooked grilled Italian seasoned chicken

Directions: Add all ingredients to a preheated skillet with 1 tbsp of olive oil (i use a mister so less oil is used).  Stir occasionally and cook until the zucchini is thoroughly cooked. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey......to support and motivation

I have tried several workout programs in my journey to lose weight and get healthy.  My favorite program so far? Chalean Extreme.  This is a strength training program that helps you build muscle.  If you are like me, I thought "I don't want to bulk up or build muscle."  As a female, I wanted to lose weight and slim down.  Now, I know that muscle burns fat! Strength training increases your metabolism and helps you burn more fat while resting. 

I am starting a challenge group for Chalean Extreme on February 3rd.  A challenge group is a private Facebook group where others who are working out with Chalean Extreme support and motivate each other.  It really helps to have others who know exactly what you are going through when working out. 

This group will last 3 months and you will have support every single day.  I love working out at home because I don't have to travel to a gym, figure out childcare for my daughter, or be intimidated by those around me.  But the downside of working out at home is the lack of support or people holding you accountable.  A challenge group changes that. 

In addition to the challenge group, you also get support from a personal coach (me!!) when you purchase Chalean Extreme.  I am here to help you on your journey to reach your goals.  I want to see you succeed not only for a day, or a week, but forever! I am still working on my body and health and know that you need support to succeed. 

If you are interested in the challenge group or learning more about Chalean Extreme, send me a friend request on Facebook:
Send me a friend request on Facebook

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to cauliflower bites

In my journey to eating healthy, I have been eating broccoli, asparagus, or brussell sprouts for almost every meal.  Except for breakfast of course! In my adventure to try a new vegetable, I picked up cauliflower.  I have eaten it raw this week and have enjoyed it but wanted to try something new. 
I decided to bake it and make it crispy with bread crumbs. 

Baked Cauliflower Bites
Serving size: 2   Calories per serving: 125 (without sauce)
Half head of small cauliflower
1/4 cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs
1 Egg white
Pasta sauce (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350.  Spray olive oil on cookie sheet.
2. Cut the cauliflower into small bite sized pieces. 
3.  Dip each piece into the egg white and then bread crumbs.
4.  Place on cookie sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes (depending on size of bites)

Here are my bites before I put them in the oven.  Next time I will make the pieces of cauliflower more uniform.  The small pieces were better tasting than the undercooked larger pieces. 

The finished product! Overall these weren't bad, but they were extremely bland with out the sauce.  Next time, I may try to add Parmesan cheese, chili powder, or some other spice to the bread crumbs.  However, the cauliflower bites were easy to make and still a tasty low calorie treat.  I will make these again with some minor changes. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Curvy Girl's Journey.....to a bad day

So I had a bad fitness day yesterday :(

It was my scheduled rest day from workouts.  My workout plan allows me a rest day every 6 days.  However, I normally try to stay active by taking a walk or riding my bike.

Yesterday was different.  I started out by oversleeping.  Then I was lazy and watched tv instead of being active.  If that wasn't bad enough I ate waaay too much.  I started by snacking on things and then I just went overboard.  It seemed like I could not get full or satisfied. 

But.....Today is a new day! I know that I can keep going and still reach my goals.  I am not going to let one bad day prevent me from losing weight! It is important to know that we are human, we aren't perfect, but we do have another chance tomorrow.  I try my hardest to stay on track but stray occasionally.  As long as I pick myself up and don't make a habit out of the bad days, I will succeed.  And so will you!!!