Friday, August 22, 2014

Curvy Girl's being a role model

One of the main reasons I changed my lifestyle to a healthier one was for my daughter.  When I became pregnant, I was suddenly aware that what I put into my body affected someone else.  I cut out most sugar, ate more veggies, and made sure to take my vitamins.  I actually weighed less after I gave birth than before I got pregnant. 

After my daughter was born, I reverted back to my old eating habits.  I was busy taking care of an infant during the day and barely had time or the energy to eat.  But then when she went to bed in the evening, I was starving and wanted to literally eat everything in sight.  I quickly gained back the weight I had lost and then some. 

My wake up moment was when my daughter became a toddler and was constantly on the go.   I didn't have the energy to keep up with her or play all day.  I then realized that even though what I ate wasn't directly affecting her like when I was pregnant, it was still affecting her indirectly!

I had to make a change and be a role model!! I wanted her growing up knowing that women could be strong and fit, love their bodies, and be confident.  I wanted her to know how to take care of herself and eat the right things. 

I encourage all of you to take a look at how your eating habits and lifestyle are affecting those around you.  Do you need to make a change to be a better role model? 

This is a picture of my husband and daughter working out with me :)

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