Monday, May 5, 2014

Curvy Girls Journey....47 days to summer countdown

Can you believe there are only 47 days until summer!?!

I'm excited about the warm sun, being outside, vacations, swimming....but I guess that also means my least favorite part of summer....a bathing suit!!!
Ugh, does anyone else dread seeing those cute and very small swimsuits arrive in the stores?
I always go into swimsuit shopping with a positive attitude and anxious to find one that looks great on me.  I grab a few different ones in my normal size and head to the dressing room....only to find that none of them fit!! I have to go back out and get a size or two larger just to get them on.  I finally give up and pick the one that hides my most unflattering features and head to the check out.  I leave the store feeling fat and defeated.

But not this summer!!!!!

I have 47 days to get my body into the best shape it has ever been!! I am determined to be healthier and leaner this summer! Do you want to join in with me on this challenge?!?

I am going to be posting a tip every day for the next 47 days that will get us in shape for summer.  Not only will we look good, but we will feel better about our bodies and have more confidence when facing the swimsuit shopping trip! Let's get started today!

Tip for day 47:
Set a clear and attainable goal!!
 Be ambitious but reasonable
Any goal worth working for requires dedication, effort, and persistence. That said, remember this is a short term goal. Set your sights on something that can be achieved if you work hard for the next 47 days. (Keep in mind that a healthy rate for weight loss is about 2 pounds per week).

Be specific
Deciding that you will lose 8 pounds is a more effective goal than just saying that you want to lose weight. As you work to attain it, you'll have a clear measure of your achievements, and knowing exactly how much farther you have to go will keep you motivated. The best part about having a specific goal is there will be no question when you have achieved it.

Be positive
Make reaching your goal be about what you will do instead of what you will not do. Thinking about unhealthy habits or foods you should avoid keeps those guilty habits on your mind all the time, and ultimately makes you feel deprived. Focus instead on positive changes that you will make to be healthier and more fit. What healthy foods will you eat? What workouts will you do?

Share your goal
When you've determined what you are working for, tell the world! Tell your friends and family, let me know in the comments, share it on social media. You'll invite support from unlikely places and your enthusiasm may inspire others to join you.

Keep it real
Focusing on a clear, attainable goal gives you a concrete reason push harder in your workouts and stick to healthy food choices. For the next 47 days, I'll be giving you tips and challenges to help you reach your goal, but I'd like to remind you that your body is ready for the beach right now. All you need is a bathing suit and a body of water, or sprinklers, and you're good to go. However, I understand that after a succession of holiday feasts and winter hibernation, what many of us need is confidence. Reaching your goal should give you the confidence to strut your stuff.

Let's do this!!!!

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