Thursday, December 19, 2013

Curvy Girl's far

I began my journey to get healthy in April of 2013.  It wasn't an easy start but one that was necessary.  I noticed my "fat" jeans getting tighter and was even trying on a larger size at the stores.  I had no energy and with an active 3 year old daughter, this was a big issue.  I had tried other diets in the past but never stuck with any.  I even went as far as the "no solids, only juice" diet.  This one didn't even last a day!
I saw an advertisement for Insanity on TV and knew that working out would be my only way out of the mess I had put myself in.  So I convinced my husband to join in too and we purchased the Insanity DVDs.  I'm sure we were pretty comical trying to keep up those first few days to the muscled, lean participants on the video.  After the first week, I had already lost 7 pounds!!
Eventually, my husband left to work out of town and I left my motivation to get off the couch behind. 
I knew i needed someone to motivate me so I conned my mom into joining me.  We started using an awesome, free app call "myfitnesspal".  It counted our calories and kept us in control of our eating. 
I am proud to say that I lost 46lbs and my mom has lost 76lbs!!!

I am starting this blog to stay on track and hold myself accountable for my continued progress.  I am also hoping to help someone else who is in the same situation I was.  I know how hard it is to get started and even harder to stay motivated.  So I hope you will join me in my journey or just learn a thing or two!

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