Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Curvy Girl's a bad day

So I had a bad fitness day yesterday :(

It was my scheduled rest day from workouts.  My workout plan allows me a rest day every 6 days.  However, I normally try to stay active by taking a walk or riding my bike.

Yesterday was different.  I started out by oversleeping.  Then I was lazy and watched tv instead of being active.  If that wasn't bad enough I ate waaay too much.  I started by snacking on things and then I just went overboard.  It seemed like I could not get full or satisfied. 

But.....Today is a new day! I know that I can keep going and still reach my goals.  I am not going to let one bad day prevent me from losing weight! It is important to know that we are human, we aren't perfect, but we do have another chance tomorrow.  I try my hardest to stay on track but stray occasionally.  As long as I pick myself up and don't make a habit out of the bad days, I will succeed.  And so will you!!!

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